Thursday, 1 September 2011

So, I've decided to quit facebook and start blogging... why?

Oh why in heavans would I quite facebook, for reasons of privacy, security and sanity in favour of publishing my braindroppings to a blog - well, because I'm just compelled to post complete shit online and sit back and take zero responsibility for my actions.

Seems like a good idea, no? Well, for all of you who know me... you should know that I've now figured that I can't post details of any wreckless and illegal activities, I may or may not be involved with; however I can offend and dismay anyone who comes here with my opinions and ideas.

I will take every measure possible to remain anonymous for as many minutes as possible - I will also attempt to include photos and drawings to break up any diatribe I may decide to spew on any given post.

So let us hope that I either flourish at this bloggin malarky or disappear into the ether and never to resurface.